Gain more time and energy in your day and become more productive and actually complete tasks and obtain your goals. Learn how to alleviate anxiety, and stress with stress-reduction strategies and mindfulness. Assessment of the way you are currently operating on your daily routine. Identify what your ‘pain points’ are and get clear on what your goals are. Collaboratively develop strategic plan to alleviate your pain points and achieve your goal. Implement plan, and tools for better managing time and reducing stress with guidance of the coach. You will gain knowledge of- stress reduction techniques, how to practice mindfulness to gain more peace, and productivity tips to work smarter, not harder in your day. This will lead you to being a more peaceful, confident, productive person who manages any issues that come your way in a healthy manner.
Time Management
Professional Experience
Doveina has been one herself and professional development for 15 years, and has been helping people with their healing and career goals for a decade. She has witnessed the need for BIPOC folx to have support in navigating both life and the workplace in a way that comes from having an understanding of having lived experience. Doveina has served as a leader, and hirer in her field, and has insider knowledge from recruiters, about the process of hiring. Doveina has completed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training, and learned how to competently and empathetically provide her service. She has even taught others to do the same. Doveina has curated a purpose driven life for herself, and has helped others do the same.
Our Services
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Book a free consultation with us at (760) 219-5538. Call us anytime, we will get back to you ASAP.