Initial Assessment of personal and business status. Help you to gain clarity with your goal or desired outcome. Develop a strategic plan for you to obtain your goal. Learn about and how to implement the steps for starting a Business in CA.
Career Guidance Coaching
Assessment of personal and career status. Help you to find clarity in identifying what your main goals are. Collaboratively develop strategic plan in obtaining specific goals. Implement plan with the guidance of business coach.
Business Consulting
Needs Assessment and of current status of business. Gain clarity with identified desired outcome or goal of organizational growth of business. Develop strategic plan to achieve desired outcome/goal. Implement strategic plan with guidance of consultant.
Time Management
Gain more time and energy in your day and become more productive and actually complete tasks and obtain your goals. Learn how to alleviate anxiety, and stress with stress-reduction strategies and mindfulness.
Interview Preparation
What are you looking to do to enhance your career or make a career move by updating your resume? Assess your current status of your career and resume. Next, identify what your career and resume goal is.
New Career
First assess where you currently are personally and professionally. Then get clear about what you end goal will be. Next, develop a plan to help you enter a new field, or make a career change. Many people makes multiple career changes at various stages of life.
Customer Conversion
An assessment will be conducted to ascertain the current status of your personal/ and business aspects of operation. Next, you will be guided to gain clarity on what your goal is. Next, collaboratively develop a strategic plan with strategies.
Confidence Coaching
First assess where you are within your own personal system. Next find out how to become a more productive, effective, healthier version of yourself. Learn strategies to rewire your brain and become healthy, and develop a sustainable way of operating for you daily/weekly routine.